Before you can attend a workshop, you must first register with the Enterprise Steps programme. 

Do you qualify? Register your interest > 

Wednesday 20th April | 10:00-14:00

We have all had ideas for a business. Some of us even have the skills to develop that business further. However launching a business and sharing it to potential customers can be fraught with challenges.

Crowdfunding is a great way to raise awareness for your idea, whilst find your first customers, backers or investors. But although many have run a crowdfunding campaign previously, designing and executing a successful campaign is still a black art. There are lots of platforms to choose from. And each have their own nuance.

However if your campaign is successful, it can single handedly change the trajectory of your business.

This workshop is focused on understanding the different types of crowdfunding. Whilst deep diving into how to plan and execute a campaign that could be successful.

This session will:

- Provide an introduction to crowdfunding for rewards, equity and donations

- Set out the specifics of how to run a crowdfunding campaign

- Introduce crowdfunding best practises

Prepared and Delivered by:

Carl Thomas is an award winning serial entrepreneur and enterprise educator. He’s started multiple startups, his most recent being Audiowings. Whilst he’s worked to help entrepreneurs for communities such as London South Bank University, Virgin Startups and MSDUK. He’s previously worked at Kickstarter, the world’s largest crowdfunding platform, and has coached over 350 entrepreneurs in understanding their route to market strategy.

Who should attend?

This workshop is suitable for pre start-ups/start-ups and growing businesses who are based in London and have an active Twitter account. Before you can attend a workshop, you must first register with the Enterprise Steps programme. 

How to attend this workshop
If you are registered with the Enterprise Steps programme and would like to attend this workshop please click the register button below. Please note: You will be directed to a password protected Eventbrite page. All programme participants are emailed passwords weekly.  

This event is fully subsidised – for eligible clients only and places are limited, so book now to secure your space.

 Not registered? Register your interest now.

To request the password for this event, please contact us using the below enquiry form.