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Developing your Business Idea

Wednesday 6th October | 10:00 – 14:00

The workshop will be highly interactive and use a range of methods to help you develop your business idea.

Whether you are thinking about starting a business or you have recently started. This is an ideal workshop for budding entrepreneurs and aspiring and thriving business owners based in London who want to learn how to build a successful business and develop essential knowledge and skills to start and grow your business.

You will learn and discover how to:

  • Develop your current and future business model
  • Learn how to market to current and potential clients/customers
  • Enhance your market research and competitive analysis
  • Set and achieve business goals
  • Introduction to the Business Canvas
  • Essential tips to develop your unique selling proposition and offer real value to your customers

Why you should attend?

Get answers to common questions faced by entrepreneurs. ‘how do I turn my idea into a business’? ‘or how do I find my niche’ and offer value?


  • Learn about your customers and competitors
  • Boost creativity and innovation
  • How to successfully develop business from your warm market
  • Cultivate quality business contacts and connections
  • Develop your value proposition
  • An opportunity to get more customers, clients and contracts
  • Create a buzz for your business

Prepared and Delivered by:

Janice Beckles is a multi-faceted business consultant from Kent with a mission to help people live after redundancy, and empower people to live fulfilling and purposeful lives through personal development. Personal development is an important part of business, because you cannot change your outer world without first changing and addressing your inner dimension.

Janice has a great deal of commercial experience, and has set up and run many worthwhile projects under the B Consultancy LTD umbrella. One of which includes a programme called Getting Started, which helps people who have been unemployed for a while to start their own businesses. The programme gives them the tools required to start their own business alongside essential training to help them transition in their mind-set from unemployed to being a boss.

Janice currently runs a number of business events with an edge of class to make people feel valued and supported, no matter what stage in their business they are. The events have attracted many successful entrepreneurs and speakers. Janice has many plans for growth and expansion in 2018 and beyond.

Who should attend?

Pre-start-ups/start-ups and growth businesses in London

We look forward to seeing you there!

This event is fully subsidised – for eligible clients only and places are limited, so book now to secure your space!

Not registered? Register your business now.

To request the password for this event, please contact us using the below enquiry form.