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How to Attract the Right Customers and Clients

Monday 30th November | 10:00 – 14:00

An opportunity to create better conversations, connect with the right customers and clients and grow a profitable business. In this session you will learn how to build better business relationships.

This session is especially geared towards aspiring and thriving business owners. The business benefits are clear, learn how to cultivate relationships with prospects and customers.

Outcomes of the session:

- How to develop and refine your elevator pitch

- Identifying networking opportunities

- Cultivate quality business contacts and connections

- Generate referrals

- Master word-of-mouth marketing

- Learn how to develop your networks and grow your business

- Boost self-belief and self-confidence

- Get and keep more customers, clients and contracts

- How to research your customers and your market

- Building rapport and gaining trust

- Flexing your approach to suit the audience

- How to follow up your contacts

Why you should attend:

This workshop is delivered in an environment that encourages participants to practise the skills they are learning in a safe and fun atmosphere. Taught in a relaxed way, the workshop is designed to stimulate questions and active participation that will move your marketing skills to another level.

- Improve your business growth

- Network with like-minded business owners

- Develop your business strategy

- Take responsibility for your business actions and Step and Grow!

- You will leave motivated, inspired and ready to move forward in business!

Prepared and Delivered by:

Janice Beckles is a multi-faceted business consultant from Kent with a mission to empower people to live fulfilling and purposeful lives through personal development. Personal development is an important part of business, because you cannot change your outer world without first changing and addressing your inner dimension.

Janice started her business in May 2004 after a series of workplace redundancies. The first redundancy shook her, but she got straight back up and found another suitable job. After the second redundancy, Janice decided that it was her destiny to be a business owner, so she set up her own consultancy business, B Consultancy Ltd, providing mentoring, coaching and training. Janice is a qualified teacher, accredited coach, mentor and business advisor. In 2017 she set up an accredited Institute of Leadership and Management Training Centre.

Janice has a great deal of commercial experience and has set up and run many worthwhile projects under the B Consultancy Ltd umbrella. The project provides participants with essential tools to navigate their career, business and life.

In addition to one-to-one services, Janice undertakes a range of essential training and consultancy services with local authorities. This work includes supporting self-employed individuals and providing vital training to front line staff on how to manage people, and give them the advice that they need, with a caring and compassionate attitude so that people are not left feeling undervalued. The training that she delivers is accredited, so there is a methodological framework that she follows and many business owners that she works with want a total change of direction, and Janice coaches them through this practically.

Janice currently delivers mentoring and training to students at Newham College of Further Education, London Southbank University and Ravensbourne University.

Who should attend?

Pre-start-ups/start-ups and growth businesses in London

We look forward to seeing you there!

This event is fully subsidised – for eligible clients only and places are limited, so book now to secure your space!

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