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Lean HR for Start-ups

Friday 13th November | 10:00 – 14:00

Every company says that it’s people are the main reason for their success. Yet HR and people operations can be something that is overlooked for early stage companies.

In this workshop you will learn how to put the right structures in place early on to help your company fundraise, attract talent on a budget, hire in a fair way and start to think about the culture that you want to build.

Free tools, technologies and best practice resources will be shared to make sure you leave the session with practical next steps.

This session will cover:

- Introduction to Lean HR and Equitas - company introductions, grant funding journey with Equitas, bootstrapping versus fundraising, current funding landscape and introduction to Lean HR

- How to hire in a fair way - from attraction through to onboarding, how to find people on a tight budget early on and how to interview, assess and select the right people

- Culture, Diversity and Inclusion - how to build an inclusive culture and start to think about and develop your core values as a business

- MVP - Minimum Viable Policies the minimum amount you need to cover off for funding and starting to scale your business beyond the founding team

Prepared and Delivered by:

Michael Blakley is the co-founder of Equitas, an interview software provider that helps companies reduce bias and ensure fair hiring. The company was founded after he delivered over 10,000 interviews and assessments all across the UK over the last 8 years for companies like Aldi, BSkyB, Transport for London, MoJ and other UK public sector contracts.

Who should attend?

Start-ups and growth businesses in London

We look forward to seeing you there!

This event is fully subsidised – for eligible clients only and places are limited, so book now to secure your space!

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