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The Right Legal Structure and Essential Legal Tips

This event is an online workshop

Wednesday 9th March | 10:00 - 14:00

Choosing the right legal structure is one of the most important things you will need to do when you start a business. It is imperative you choose a structure which is suited to you, your plans and business model. As your business grows, you may decide you need to change the legal structure, so it is more flexible to meet changing business needs. Alternatively, you may find your current structure does not match your plans.

Join us in this informative and interactive workshop where you will gain an understanding of which structure is best suited to you. You will have the opportunity get your questions answered and network and connect with like-minded business owners.

In this workshop, we will discuss:
  • Discover the different types of legal structure you can choose
  • Get to grips with the pros and cons of each structure
  • Understand tax and legal responsibilities
  • Develop a list of easy to use resources and automated tools to ensure your business operations are legal, decent and honest

  • Prepared and delivered by:
    Janice Beckles is a multi-faceted business consultant from Kent with a mission to help people live after redundancy, and empower people to live fulfilling and purposeful lives through personal development. Personal development is an important part of business, because you cannot change your outer world without first changing and addressing your inner dimension.

    Janice has a great deal of commercial experience, and has set up and run many worthwhile projects under the B Consultancy LTD umbrella. One of which includes a programme called Getting Started, which helps people who have been unemployed for a while to start their own businesses. The programme gives them the tools required to start their own business alongside essential training to help them transition in their mind-set from unemployed to being a boss.

    Janice currently runs a number of business events with an edge of class to make people feel valued and supported, no matter what stage in their business they are. The events have attracted many successful entrepreneurs and speakers.

    Who should attend?

    This workshop is suitable for pre start-ups/start-ups and growing businesses based in London.

    How to attend this workshop

    If you are registered with the Enterprise Steps programme and would like to attend this workshop please click the register button below.  Please note: You will be directed to a password protected Eventbrite page. All programme participants are emailed passwords weekly.   

    This event is fully subsidised – for eligible clients only and places are limited, so book now to secure your space.

    Not registered? Register your interest now.

    To request the password for this event, please contact us using the below enquiry form.