Before you can attend a workshop, you must first register with the Enterprise Steps programme.  

 Do you qualify? Register your interest > 

Vision Boards - Dream & Think Big 

Tuesday 26th March | 13:30 – 17:30

Are you a visually-orientated entrepreneur? Learn how to refine your ideas, maintain your focus and perfect your goals by using vision boards. The vision boarding process is a useful tool for any entrepreneur wanting to map their business aims and align their actions to tangible visual goals. As a participant, you will walk away with a simple template to help you achieve your goals - in business and life. Tendai Chagweda, a Social Media Trainer, Life Coach and Music Professional, will be covering 8 key areas in life, which includes health, wealth, love, career + more.

What will this workshop cover?
  • Soul Goals
  • Law of Attraction #LOA rules
  • The importance of identifying your purpose
  • Exploring the different types of boards you can create
  • Using Canva to create your unique and bespoke board inserting your own personal image

Prepared and delivered by:

After being featured on BBC World News, Tendai created workshops and training sessions to help others get discovered by their ideal audiences, delivering talks, workshops and program material to various clients including London Southbank University, The Office group, Camberwell Arts, Impact Hub, Brixton Bid, Workspace, Tree Shepherd, Makerhood + more.

Who should attend?

This workshop is suitable for pre start-ups/start-ups and growing businesses based in London. Before you can attend a workshop, you must first register with the Enterprise Steps programme. 

How to attend this workshop

If you are registered with the Enterprise Steps programme and would like to attend this workshop please click the register button below.  Please note: You will be directed to a password protected Eventbrite page. All programme participants are emailed passwords weekly.   

This event is fully subsidised – for eligible clients only and places are limited, so book now to secure your space.

Not registered? Register your interest now.

To request the password for this event, please contact us using the below enquiry form.